What Causes a Golf Shank: Understanding the Root of the Problem
One of the most frustrating shots for golfers is the shank.
A shank occurs when the ball is struck on the hosel of the club, causing it to shoot off to the right (for right-handed players).
This can be a demoralising experience for golfers of all levels, from beginners to professionals.
There are several factors that can contribute to a golf shank. One of the most common causes is poor alignment.
If a golfer’s feet, hips, and shoulders are not properly aligned with the target, it can cause the club to swing out of plane, resulting in a shank.
Another common cause is a swing that is too steep.
When a golfer’s swing is too steep, the club will come down too quickly and strike the ball on the hosel.
Additionally, gripping the club too tightly or standing too close to the ball can also cause a shank.
Common Causes of Golf Shank
Incorrect Grip
One of the most common causes of a golf shank is an incorrect grip.
A grip that is too tight or too loose can cause the clubface to twist at impact, resulting in a shank.
Poor Swing Path
Another cause of a golf shank is a poor swing path.
A swing path that is too steep or too shallow can cause the clubface to twist at impact, resulting in a shank.
Try to swing the club on a slightly inside-to-out path, with the clubface square to the target at impact.
The Effects of A Golf Shank
A shank can have several negative effects on a golfer’s game. Here are some of the most common effects:
Loss of Distance and Accuracy
A shanked shot can cause a significant loss of distance and accuracy.
The ball will often fly off to the right (for right-handed golfers) and will not travel as far as intended.
Loss of Confidence
A golfer who shanks a shot may lose confidence in their ability to strike the ball cleanly.
This can lead to a negative mental state and can affect their overall performance.
The fear of shanking a shot can also cause a golfer to make swing adjustments that are not beneficial to their game.
Difficulty in Recovery
Recovering from a shanked shot can be difficult, especially if the ball ends up in a difficult lie or hazard.
But worse than that, you now have to hit another shot and I think this is the hardest shot in golf…because you think you are going to do it again…
so what do you change in your setup or swing, or where do you aim.??
it’s a nightmare!