Do Golf Balls Go Bad In Cold Temperatures?

Do Golf Balls Go Bad In Cold Temperatures?

When the weather becomes colder, we tend to spend more time indoors. This means less opportunities for golfing and practicing our swing.

If you’re a golfer, this is something that can be very frustrating.

Many people who play golf may not know that their wintertime activities could actually ruin their favorite balls if they aren’t cared for properly in the cold weather months.

We don’t want your game to suffer because of the temperature outside!

You should store your golf balls where temperatures stay consistent throughout the year and remain at or above 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 C). Extreme heat and cold will affect how well a ball performs during use, so it’s important to store them correctly before using them again.

We are going to look at the following:

  • How do golf balls react to extreme temperatures?
  • What is the best way to store them for long periods of time?
  • Can you freeze a golf ball and then use it again later on

The golf ball you use can have a big impact on how your game goes.

The temperature and humidity of the day will affect how your golf ball performs, so it’s important to keep these things in mind when selecting what type of balls to buy.

Air Temperature

As the weather gets colder, air becomes denser. This means that if you were to take a shot, it would require more velocity for the ball to go farther and faster.

Playing in chilly temperatures can make it harder for you to predict the distance of your shot.

Every one degree colder, loses around 2 feet of distance, compared to playing in hotter conditions.

So if you typically hit an 8-iron 140 yards when it’s 90 degrees outside, but play on a day where the air temperature is only 50 degrees, you’ll need to adjust and hit more club, maybe a seven iron or even a six iron to cover the same distance.

On the other hand, if you’re playing in warmer weather conditions where there’s less density in the air, your chances of hitting the ball longer increases because balls won’t have as much resistance from thin air, which means you’ll need to use less club.

Picture Of Golf Balls

Ball Temperature

Generally, a warmer golf ball travels farther. The rubber materials used to make golf balls respond better if they are more resilient and heat enhances resiliency.

A warmer ball will come off the clubface with more velocity and spin than compared to using a colder ball.

If you find that your length is not where you would like it to be, try warming up before hitting the golf course.

The ball’s temperature also has an effect on how far it bounces when it lands. The heat helps give the ball more elasticity, which results in more roll on the ball, subject to not landing on wet ground.

How do golf balls react to extreme temperatures?

This is a question that I see all the time online and the answer to this question isn’t exactly cut and dry, but there are some things you can be aware of when it comes to storing your golf balls if you live in a hot or cold climate.”

Golf balls do not have a temperature range in which they can be used.

They will work regardless of the weather, but if it is particularly cold or hot, you risk damaging the ball because it cannot react to temperatures outside of what is normal for golf.

Golfers who play in cold weather may notice that their balls don’t perform as well.

The temperature has a direct impact on the aerodynamics of the ball, so they fly farther if it’s warmer.

What is the best way to store Golf Balls for long periods of time?

The longer you store your golf balls in the right conditions, the longer they will last.

Unless you are storing your golf balls in an environment with a low temperature like a freezer or during summer in the trunk of your car, then they will last for years.

So keep your golf balls in a cool, dry place and they will last for long periods of time.

Can you freeze a golf ball and then use it again later on, or does freezing damage it?

You can freeze a golf ball and reuse it.

However, it will make the ball more difficult to hit because of its increased weight and decreased flexibility.

The overall performance will not be as good because freezing damages the rubber in the ball, which then also affects how much spin you can get on your shot.


Golf balls should be stored at normal temperatures, in a dry location as this will ensure longer lifespan of the balls.

Although, it’s worth knowing that Golf ball manufacturers are always on the lookout for ways to improve the performance of their balls.

So if you’re playing with balls that were manufactured years ago, you might be missing out on some advancements, which will benefit your game.

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